Our Vision for Ocean Justice

To achieve the vison and mission, the Ocean Justice Advocacy Group has identified two primary goals and a range of strategies to achieve those goals. The goals and strategies below will serve as a guide for the work of the group in the first two years. Additional goals and strategies may be added over time to reflect growth of the group and new opportunities for changemaking.

Ocean Justice Goals

  • Goal 1

    Support member organizations as they build collaborative on-the-ground efforts to address local and regional community needs through a new set of principles to build power and center people and nature.

  • Goal 2

    Use lessons learned from communities’ needs at the local and regional levels to influence and shape ocean and coastal policy at the local, regional, and national levels.


A thriving ocean community, centering both people and nature, built on the power of justice, equity, inclusion, and love.


Incorporate a new system of values in ocean and coastal policy to create more just and equitable outcomes that build power and represent diverse voices, perspectives, and communities.


Members of the Ocean Justice Advocacy Group (OJAG) will support and execute on-the-ground (OTG) action in collaboration with local groups to drive community change; using the examples and achievements of that on-the-ground action to influence and shape US policy action at the federal, regional, and state levels.